Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


  • Status
     Incremental sync for external calendars
     — At the moment we only offer a daily 'full sync' of a timetable. MyTimetable 3.1 build will also offer incremental synchronisation, where changes in the timetable will be synchronised almost instantly.
  • Support for Semestry TermTime was added — MyTimetable now features support for Semestry TermTime. Not all features have been implemented yet, but we will work with Semestry's customers on adding as many features as necessary for a great user experience.
  • Web Room Booking support in S+ provider — The Syllabus Plus provider now offers the possibility to show a user's web room bookings in the interface as a separate timetable (based on the username included in the web room booking).
  • API: deduplicate acitivities by default — Previously activities returned from API requests would not be deduplicated (i.e., each activity always belonged to one subscription/timetable key). This has now been fixed. We do not anticipate any issues for existing API users as the data format has not been changed.

Non-functional, technical and back-end changes


  • Status
     New Syllabus Plus backend — The new backend will offer better performance and will be ready to support change detection and notifications. ERDB 3.1.x support will probably be dropped, since almost all of our customers have already moved to ERDB 3.2+ which has a new schema.

  • Many dataprovider specific configuration properties have been renamed. This allows us to publish timetables from different software products in the same MyTimetable instance.
  • SAML IdP metadata can now be read from a file instead of an URL.
  • The following dependencies were upgraded:
    • Spring (4.2.4)

    • Spring Integration (4.2.4)
    • Spring Security (3.2.9)

Removed and deprecated features
