Info |
MyTimetable 3.10 is currently in the state: in development. Planned features may change at any time. MyTimetable 3.10 is tracked using the git branch |
MyTimetable 3.8 10 includes various small changes necessary for use cases of specific customers and some bug fixesand design tweaks.
All work involved in upgrading to the latest MyTimetable version (configuration, building, testing) is free of charge for our customers with a Software Assurance or All-In support agreement.
Table of Contents |
Functional changes
Allow group and activity selection for auto-added timetablesActivity indicator in day and week view — The graphical day and week view now show an indicator if any events are taking place outside of the viewport. This makes sure students do not miss anything.Status colour Yellow title Planned - Exam Scheduler: support staff and invigilator timetables — The Exam Scheduler data provider now has support for staff and invigilator timetables.
- Exam Scheduler: show staff members for events — The staff members scheduled for an examination are now shown in MyTimetable. If this information should not be displayed, this can be adjusted using the publication rules.
Non-functional, technical and back-end changes