Table of Contents |
Input can be provided in the form of HTTP GET URL parameters (which should be URL encoded properly) or an HTTP POST/PUT body that is in application/x-www-form-urlencoded
. Most parameters are optional, when this is not the case this is mentioned in the documentation. Dates and times can be specified in one of the following format:
- 'today' or 'tomorrow' for the current or next day at 0:00;
- Unix timestamp format (in milliseconds sinds 1970, so don't forget to multiply/divide by 1000);
- ISO 8601 format (
): elements on the right side (time, time zone) are optional; - Legacy format (
yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm
): the time is optional.
Authentication and authorisation
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "timetableType": [ "location", "zone", "module", "student", "staff", "pos", "posss", "studentset", "studentsetgroup", "modulegroup", "user", "tag" ] } |
/timetabletypesdetails (since MyTimetable 3.0)
Method: GET
Description: Query all possible timetable types and return them including some details regards naming, whether or not they can include child timetables and their ordering in the menus.
/timetables/{key}/options (since MyTimetable 3.1)
Method: GET
Description: Query the available options for the specified timetable. These options can be set on the subscription using the PUT call on a subscription. The allEquivalent
boolean in the output will be true if any choice of options results in the same timetable.
/timetables/{parent}/{key}/options (since MyTimetable 3.1)
Method: GET
Description: Query the available options for the specified child of a timetable. These options can be set on the subscription using the PUT call on a subscription. The allEquivalent
boolean in the output will be true if any choice of options results in the same timetable.
/subscriptions/{key}/options (since MyTimetable 3.1)
Method: PUT
Description: Set selected options of a subscription. Specifying all possible options will cause the list of selected options to be cleared, showing the complete timetable to the user.
/subscriptions/{parent}/{key}/options (since MyTimetable 3.1)
Method: PUT
Description: Set selected options of a subscription nested under a parent. Specifying all possible options will cause the list of selected options to be cleared, showing the complete timetable to the user.
Code Block | ||
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{ "feedUrl": "http://myuniversity/ical?eu=FKW92Fawier&t=556cf8a1-704a-4997-bc4d-5acf395eccaf", "username": "testuser" } |
/weeklabels (deprecated since MyTimetable 2.7, replaced by: /weeklabelmaps)
Method: GET
Description: Query the weeklabels. This provides custom labels for the weeks when available. The response includes a value (the custom label) and a week (year - 1900 + the ISO week number).
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ weeklabel: [ { "week": 11223, "value": "23" }, { "week": 11224, "value": "24" } ] } |
/weeklabelmaps (since MyTimetable 2.7)
Method: GET
Description: Query the weeklabel maps. This provides the available maps with custom labels for the weeks. Per weeklabel map, the response includes a key and a boolean which indicates whether the map is the default weeklabel map for the requested user.
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "weeklabelmaps": [ { "key": "SYLLABUS", "isDefault": true } ] } |
/weeklabelmaps/{key} (since MyTimetable 2.7)
Method: GET
Description: Retrieve the specified weeklabel map. This provides the key, a boolean which indicates if this is the default weeklabel map for the requested user and the actiual map with custom labels for the weeks.
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "key": "SYLLABUS", "isDefault": true, "weeklabels": [ { "year": 2014, "week": 4, "description": "wk 4" }, { "year": 2014, "week": 5, "description": "wk 5" } ] } |
/databases (deprecated since MyTimetable 3.1, replaced by: /databasedetails)
Method: GET
Description: Query the available datasources, see 3114172430 for more information. For MyTimetable 3.1+, please use the /databasedetails
call, which also provides the labels of the databases.
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "database": [ "2011" ] } |
/databasedetails (since MyTimetable 3.1)
Method: GET
Description: Query the available datasources, see 3114172430 for more information. The key (to be used in the query string of other calls) and the label are returned.
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "databases": [ { "key": "2015", "label": "2015/2016" }, { "key": "2016", "label": "2016/2017" }, { "key": "TimetableDB", "label": "Custom" } ] } |
/eventtypegroups (since MyTimetable 3.0)
Method: GET
Description: Query the event type groups and event filtering settings.
Code Block | ||
| ||
$base_url/api/v0/eventtypegroups |
Request Content-Type
Example request body
Code Block | ||
| ||
eventTypeGroups%5BExcursie%5D%5BisFiltered%5D=true&eventTypeGroups%5BHoorcollege%5D%5BisFiltered%5D=false&eventTypeGroups%5BOther%5D%5BisFiltered%5D=false |
204 (No content), 403 (Forbidden) if filtering is disabled.
/terms (since MyTimetable 3.4)
Method: GET
Description: Query the available terms. Returns a list of terms, each containing of a unique id, a key (may be null), a name and a list of date ranges.
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "terms": [ { "dateRanges": [ { "endDate": 1513983600000, "startDate": 1504476000000 }, { "endDate": 1535925600000, "startDate": 1514847600000 } ], "id": "2017!492E26C5A6F3BDE74C11240C046C2FB1", "key": null, "name": "[2017/2018] All year" }, { "dateRanges": [ { "endDate": 1535925600000, "startDate": 1504476000000 } ], "id": "TermTime!13", "key": "All", "name": "[Term Time] All year" } ] } |
/user/messages (since MyTimetable 4.0)
Note: this API endpoint only returns JSONalways returns application/json
as Content Type. XML is not supported.
Method: GET
Description: Query Query the active messages for the current user (as identified by the OAuth token or elevated API token). Requires scope scope messages_read
Parameters: none
Request URL
Code Block | ||
| ||
$base_url/api/v0/user/messages |
Request Accept header
to include a property bodyHtml
for each returned message
Example response body
Code Block | ||
| ||
[ { "id": 1, "title": "This is the title of a non-expiring message targeted to students marked as important.", "body": "# This is a header formatted with Markdown", "important": true, "publicationDate": 1550155320000, "expirationDate": null, "targetRoles": [ "ROLE_STUDENT" ], "draft": false, "renderedBodybodyHtml": "<h1>This is a header formatted with Markdown</h1>" }, { "id": 2, "title": "This is an expiring message targeted to all users.", "body": "Some content.", "important": false, "publicationDate": 1550155320000, "expirationDate": 1553252400000, "targetRoles": [], "draft": false, "renderedBodybodyHtml": "<p>Some content.</p>" } ] |
Response code
200 (OK)
/messages (since MyTimetable 4.0)
Note: this API endpoint only returns JSONalways returns application/json
as Content Type. XML is not supported.
Method: GET
Description: Retrieves messages.
Name | Description | Default value |
limit | The maximum amount of records returned, 0 for no limit. | 0 |
offset | Starting position of the records returned (e.g. offset=5 skips the first 5 records). | 0 |
q | Search string to filter results on. | - |
Code Block | ||
| ||
$base_url/api/v0/messages |
Example response Body
Request Accept header
to include a property bodyHtml
for each returned message
Example response Body
Code Block | ||
| ||
[ { "id": 1, "title": "This is the title of a non-expiring message targeted to students and staff marked as important.", "body": "# This is a header formatted with Markdown", "important": true, "publicationDate": 1550155320000, "expirationDate": null, "targetRoles": [ "ROLE_STUDENT", "ROLE_STAFF" ], "draft": false, "renderedBodybodyHtml": "<h1>This is a header formatted with Markdown</h1>" }, { "id": 2, "title": "This is a draft message targeted to all users.", "body": "Some content.", "important": false, "publicationDate": null, "expirationDate": null, "targetRoles": [], "draft": true, "renderedBodybodyHtml": "<p>Some content.</p>" } ] |
200 (OK)
Method: POST
Parameters: none
Request body form values:
Name | Description | Default value |
title (required) | Title of the message. | - |
body (required) | Body of the message. Markdown formatting can be used. | - |
important | Sets if a message should be considered important. | false |
publicationDate | Publication date. The message will be shown as of this date. Messages with no publicationDate are still draft. See See below for the date format. | null |
expirationDate | Expiration date. The message will be shown until this message, or forever if set to null. See below for the date format. | null |
targetRoles | User roles to target this message to. If not set, all users can view the message. | [ ] |
Request URL
Code Block | ||
| ||
$base_url/api/v0/messages |
Request Accept header
to include a property bodyHtml
for the returned message
Request Content-Type header
Example request body
Code Block | ||
| ||
title=This%20is%20the%20title%20of%20a%20non-expiring%20message%20targeted%20to%20students%20marked%20as%20important.&body=%23%20This%20is%20a%20header%20formatted%20with%20Markdown%23%20This%20is%20a%20header%20formatted%20with%20Markdown%0AThis%20is%20some%20content.&important=true&publicationDate=2019-01-02&expirationDate=&targetRoles=ROLE_STAFF&targetRoles=ROLE_STUDENT |
Code Block | ||
| ||
title=This is the title of a non-expiring message targeted to students marked as important. body=# This is a header formatted with Markdown\nThis is some content. important=true publicationDate=2019-12-12 expirationDate= targetRoles=ROLE_STAFF targetRoles=ROLE_STUDENT |
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "id": 1, "title": "This is the title of a non-expiring message targeted to students marked as important.", "body": "# This is a header formatted with Markdown\nThis is some content.", "important": true, "publicationDate": 1552258800000, "expirationDate": null, "targetRoles": [ "ROLE_STAFF", "ROLE_STUDENT" ], "draft": false, "renderedBodybodyHtml": "<h1>This is a header formatted with Markdown</h1> \n<p>This is some content.</p>" } |
Response code
201 (Created) if the message is created, 400 (Bad Request) if input validation fails
/messages/{id} (since MyTimetable 4.0)
Note: this API endpoint only returns JSONalways returns application/json
as Content Type. XML is not supported.
Method: GET
Description: Retrieves the message with the given ID.
Code Block | ||
| ||
$base_url/api/v0/messages/1 |
Request Accept header
to include a property bodyHtml
for the returned message
Example response Body
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "id": 1, "title": "This is the title of a non-expiring message targeted to students marked as important.", "body": "# This is a header formatted with Markdown", "important": true, "publicationDate": 1550155320000, "expirationDate": null, "targetRoles": [ "ROLE_STUDENT" ], "draft": false, "renderedBodybodyHtml": "<h1>This is a header formatted with Markdown</h1>" } |
200 (OK), 404 (Not Found) if the message does not existsexist
Method: DELETE
Description: Deletes the message with the given ID.
Name | Description | Default value |
id (required) | ID of the message to delete. | - |
Request Example request URL
Code Block | ||
| ||
$base_url/api/v0/messages/1 |
204 (No Content) if the message is successfully deleted, or 404 (Not Found) when message with given ID does not exist.
Method: PATCH
Name | Description | Default value |
id (required) | The ID of the message to patch. | - |
Request body form values:
Only parameters set in the body of the request will be updated.
Name | Description | Default value |
title | Title of the message. | - |
body | Body of the message. Markdown formatting can be used. | - |
important | Sets if a message should be considered important. | false |
publicationDate | Publication date. The message will be shown as of this date. Messages with no publicationDate are still draft. See See below for the date format. | null |
expirationDate | Expiration date. The message will be shown until this message, or forever if set to null. See below for the date format. | null |
targetRoles | User roles to target this message to. If not set, all users can view the message. | [ ] |
Request Example request URL
Code Block | ||
| ||
$base_url/api/v0/messages/1 |
Request Accept header
to include a property bodyHtml
for the returned message
Request Content-Type header
Example request body
Code Block | ||
| ||
title=This%20is%20the%20edited%20title%20of%20a%20non-expiring%20message%20targeted%20to%20students%20marked%20as%20important.&body=%23%20This%20is%20an%20edited%20header%20formatted%20with%20Markdown%23%20This%20is%20an%20edited%20header%20formatted%20with%20Markdown%0AThis%20is%20some%20content.&important=false&publicationDate=today&expirationDate=&targetRoles=ROLE_STAFF&targetRoles=ROLE_STUDENT |
Code Block | ||
| ||
title=This is the edited title of a non-expiring message targeted to students marked as important.
body=# This is an edited header formatted with Markdown\nThis is some content.
targetRoles=ROLE_STAFF |
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "id": 1, "title": "This is the title of a non-expiring message targeted to students marked as important.", "body": "# This is a header formatted with Markdown\nThis is some content.", "important": true, "publicationDate": 1552258800000, "expirationDate": null, "targetRoles": [ "ROLE_STAFF" ], "draft": false, "renderedBodybodyHtml": "<h1>This is a header formatted with Markdown</h1> \n<p>This is some content.</p>" } |
Response code
200 (OK), 400 (Bad Request) if input validation fails