User resources
Method: GET
Description: Query all known usernames.
Parameters: none
Request URL
Example response body
{ "users": [ "alice", "bob", "carol" ] }
Method: PUT
Description: Ensures a user with the specified username exists.
Name | Description | Default value |
username (required) | The username for which a user profile should be created if it doesn't exist already. | - |
Example request URL
Example response body: none (status code 204 indicates success/user already exists)
Method: DELETE
Description: Deletes the user profile with the specified username if it exists.
Name | Description | Default value |
username (required) | The username for which a user profile should be deleted if it exists. | - |
Example request URL
Example response body: none (status code 204 indicates success/user not found)
Synchronization resources
Method: GET
Description: Query all synchronizations.
Parameters: none
Request URL
Example response body
{ "synchronizations": [ { "id": 1, "username": "alice", "type": "o365" }, { "id": 2, "username": "bob", "type": "googlecalendar" } ] }
Method: PUT
Description: Sets up a synchronization with a user's external calendar.
Name | Description | Default value |
username (required) | The username for which the synchronization should be created. | - |
type (required) | The synchronization type, which indicates the calendaring service provider. | - |
provisioning_smtpAddress * | The user's mailbox address in Exchange or Office 365. | - |
* Only applicable when using a ProvisioningPreDelegatedEWSLinkingAdapter or ProvisioningPreAuthorizedOffice365LinkingAdapter.
Example request URL
Example request body (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
Example response body: none (status code 204 indicates success)
Method: DELETE
Description: Deletes the synchronization with the specified id.
Name | Description | Default value |
username (required) | The id of the synchronization which should be deleted. | - |
unlinkMode (required) | The unlink mode indicates what should happen to the events in the user's calendar:
| - |
Example request URL
Example response body: none (status code 204 indicates success; 422 indicates synchronization not found)