The provisioning API is an admin-only API used to create users and push synchronisations in MyTimetable. This API can be used in your user provisioning processes to support an push synchronisation 'opt-out' scenario. The API is supported from MyTimetable version 3.0, and only supports JSON output and form-encoded input.
User resources
Method: GET
Description: Query all known usernames.
Parameters: none
Request URL
Example response body
{ "users": [ "alice", "bob", "carol" ] }
Method: PUT
Description: Ensures a user with the specified username exists.
Name | Description | Default value |
username (required) | The username for which a user profile should be created if it doesn't exist already. | - |
Example request URL
Example response body: none (status code 204 indicates success/user already exists)
Method: DELETE
Description: Deletes the user profile with the specified username if it exists.
Name | Description | Default value |
username (required) | The username for which a user profile should be deleted if it exists. | - |
Example request URL
Example response body: none (status code 204 indicates success; 404 indicates user not found)
Method: GET
Description: Query all synchronizations for a user.
Name | Description | Default value |
username (required) | The username for which the synchronization should be created. | - |
Example request URL
Example response body
{ "synchronizations": [ { "id": 1, "type": "ews", "username": "alice", "description": "alice@bob.test", "enabled": true, "status": "OK", "lastResync": 1355320800000 } ] }
Method: DELETE
Description: Delete all synchronizations for a user.
Name | Description | Default value |
username (required) | The username for which the synchronizations should be deleted. | - |
unlinkMode (required) | The unlink mode indicates what should happen to the events in the user's calendar:
| - |
Example request URL
Example response body: none (status code 204 indicates success)
Method: DELETE
Description: Delete synchronizations of a certain type for a certain user.
Name | Description | Default value |
username (required) | The username for which the synchronizations should be deleted. | - |
type (required) | The synchronization type, which indicates the calendaring service provider. | - |
unlinkMode (required) | The unlink mode indicates what should happen to the events in the user's calendar:
| - |
Example request URL
Example response body: none (status code 204 indicates success; 404 indicates no synchronizations found; 422 indicates invalid synchronisation type)
Synchronization resources
Method: GET
Description: Query all synchronizations.
Parameters: none
Request URL
Example response body
{ "synchronizations": [ { "id": 1, "type": "o365", "username": "alice", "description": "alice@bob.test", "enabled": true, "status": "OK", "lastResync": 1355320800000 }, { "id": 1, "type": "googlecalendar", "username": "bob", "description": "bob@google.test", "enabled": true, "status": "OK", "lastResync": 1355320800000 } ] }
Method: PUT
Description: Sets up a synchronization with a user's external calendar.
Name | Description | Default value |
username (required) | The username for which the synchronization should be created. | - |
type (required) | The synchronization type, which indicates the calendaring service provider. | - |
provisioning_smtpAddress * | The user's mailbox address in Exchange or Office 365. | - |
* Only applicable when using a ProvisioningPreDelegatedEWSLinkingAdapter or ProvisioningPreAuthorizedOffice365LinkingAdapter.
Example request URL
Example request body (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
Example response body:
{ "synchronization": { "id": 1, "type": "ews", "username": "alice", "description": "alice@bob.test", "enabled": true, "status": "OK", "lastResync": 1355320800000 } }
Method: DELETE
Description: Deletes the synchronization with the specified id.
Name | Description | Default value |
id (required) | The id of the synchronization which should be deleted. | - |
unlinkMode (required) | The unlink mode indicates what should happen to the events in the user's calendar:
| - |
Example request URL
Example response body: none (status code 204 indicates success; 404 indicates synchronization not found)
Sample usage
If you want to create a large number of synchronisations, create a text file with the username and email address of the users. Then you can run the following shell script to create the users:
while read user mail do curl -v -X PUT -H apiToken:xxx https://mytimetable_host/api/v0/users/$user done < users.txt
The following script will create an 'o365' synchronisation for each user:
while read user mail do curl -v -X PUT -H apiToken:xxx -d username=$user -d type=o365 -d provisioning_smtpAddress=$mail https://mytimetable_host/api/v0/synchronizations done < users.txt
A sample Powershell script:
$username = "username_in_MTT" $type = "ews" $smtpAddress = "" $apiToken = "xxx" # Create the user in MyTimetable if it does not exist Invoke-RestMethod https://mytimetable_host/api/v0/users/${username} -Method PUT -Headers @{apiToken=$apiToken} # Setup a synchronisation for the user Invoke-RestMethod https://mytimetable_host/api/v0/synchronizations -Method PUT -Headers @{apiToken=$apiToken} -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -Body @{username=$username;type=$type;provisioning_smtpAddress=$smtpAddress} # Delete the synchronisation for the user and remove all events from the calendar Invoke-RestMethod https://mytimetable_host/api/v0/users/${username}/synchronizations/${type}?unlinkMode=DELETE_ALL_EVENTS -Method DELETE -Headers @{apiToken=$apiToken}