MyTimetable API

MyTimetable API

API documentation moved

The API documentation has been moved to our developer portal and is now available at https://developer.mytimetable.net/apis/mytimetable/.

The documentation for our provisioning API is currently still available at Provisioning API.

Demo API authentication details

Base URLhttps://demo.mytimetable.net/
API version(s)v0 (/api/v0)
Timetable typesstudentset, module, staff, location
Token requiredYes (apiToken: testToken)
OAuth availableYes (client_id: test, client_secret: test, redirect_uri: http://localhost)
OAuth authorization URLhttps://demo.mytimetable.net/oauth/authorize
OAuth token URLhttps://demo.mytimetable.net/oauth/token

This is a demo MyTimetable site which can be used for testing purposes.

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