The MyTimeTable API will allow you to make use of the features provided by the MyTimeTable web interface.
The resources support both JSON and XML. To switch from JSON to XML, just add .xml after the resource name in any of the request URLs.
To set up OAuth, follow these steps:
- Visit
- You will be prompted to log in. After logging in the application will request for your permission to access your personal timetable. Click Allow.
- After being redirected the URL will contain ?code=XXXXXX. Copy this code.
Open a Terminal window and enter the following command (replace XXXXXX with your personal code from step 3):
curl -d 'grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=test&client_secret=test&code=XXXXXX&redirect_uri=http://localhost'
- The command will return an access token. This token will allow you to request resources from the API.
Query all timetables with a specified type.
Type: GET
type | the type of the timetables, e.g. 'module' |
limit | the maximum amount of records returned |
offset | starting position of the records returned (e.g. offset=5 skips the first 5 records) |
departmentFilter | filter on a specific department |
posFilter | filter on a specific pos |
zoneFilter | filter on a specific zone |
Request URL
Response Body
[ { "description": "VMT for Informatics", "value": "2011!module!49CBD432F01E8C5057B344E02604A710" } ]
Query all timetables corresponding with a specific timetable.
Type: GET
key | the key corresponding with the specific timetable |
startDate | the start date for the timetable |
endDate | the end date for the timetable |
limit | the maximum amount of records returned (default = 25) |
Request URL!module!49CBD432F01E8C5057B344E02604A710?access_token=your_token
Response Body
[ { "activityDescription": "VMT for Informatics", "activityTypeDescription": "Lecture", "activityTypeName": "Class", "endDate": 1341930600000, "locations": [ { "capacity": 18, "id": "D2D0C6A8E334B242289FBAA7F69759C3", "key": "#SPLUS9759C3", "name": "B3.022" } ], "moduleCode": "#SPLUS04A710", "notes": null, "staffMembers": [ "Mr. Moore (Moo)" ], "startDate": 1341919800000, "studentSets": [ "BI group 1A", "BI group 1B" ] } ]
Query all timetables within a specific timerange.
Type: GET
startDate | the start date for the timetable |
endDate | the end date for the timetable |
limit | the maximum amount of records returned |
type | the type of the timetables, e.g. 'module' |
Request URL
Response Body
{ "activityDescription": "System biology", "activityTypeDescription": "Lecture", "activityTypeName": "Class", "endDate": 1341916200000, "locations": [ { "capacity": 24, "id": "D2D0C6A8E334B242289FBAA7F69759BB", "key": "#SPLUS9759BB", "name": "G3.104" }, { "capacity": 24, "id": "D2D0C6A8E334B242289FBAA7F69759BC", "key": "#SPLUS9759BC", "name": "G3.110" } ], "moduleCode": "#SPLUS969C58", "notes": null, "staffMembers": [ "Mr. Martinez (Maz)", "Ms. Adams (Ada)" ], "startDate": 1341909000000, "studentSets": [ "BI group 3A" ] }
Query all possible timetable types.
Type: GET
Parameters: none
Request URL
Response Body
{ "timetableType": [ "location", "zone", "module", "student", "staff", "pos", "posss", "studentset", "studentsetgroup", "modulegroup", "user" ] }
Query all filters available for a specific timetable type.
Type: GET
type | the type of the timetable |
departmentFilter | a specific filter |
Request URL
Response Body
{ "filterattribute": [ { "option": [ { "name": " Faculty of Informatics", "value": "646ADCA666D4A88402CA46C26A73803C" }, { "name": " Faculty of Law", "value": "646ADCA666D4A88402CA46C26A738046" } ], "type": "department" } ] }
Query the available databases.
Type: GET
Parameters: none
Request URL
Response Body
{ "database": [ "2011" ] }
Query the weeklabels.
Type: GET
Parameters: none
Request URL
Response Body
{ "value": "23", "week": 11223 }