Upcoming activities page (incl. LTI-authentication)
Upcoming activities page (incl. LTI-authentication)
MyTimetable contains a simple page displaying the upcoming activities of the user. This page can be used with SSO- or LTI-authentication. The page is available at the following URL's (replace $mytimetable with your MyTimetable domain):
SSO-authentication | https://$mytimetable/upcoming |
LTI-authentication | https://$mytimetable/lti/upcoming |
The following configuration settings are available:
# Number of upcoming activities to show
UpcomingActivitiesAmount = 10
# Consumer secret for LTI provider with consumer key 'example.com'
Lti.example.com.SharedSecret = xxx
# LTI property to use as username for LTI provider with consumer key 'example.com' (use 'ext_d2l_username' for BrightSpace)
Lti.example.com.UsernameProperty = xxx