Echo 2022 release notes

Echo 2022 release notes

The following additions and changes were made in the Echo 2022 releases, listed from new to old. For significant new features or important changes, a link to a separate blog post will be available.

Echo is the notification component of MyTimetable and takes care of processing, storing and communicating messages to students and staff.

VersionTypeDescriptionMore info
2022.5 (2022-12-30)MAINTENANCEAutomatically remove notifications and webhook events older than 90 days
MAINTENANCEUpdate dependencies
2022.4 (2022-04-14)BUGFix potential OAuth2 retry issue
2022.3 (2022-04-01)


Update dependencies
2022.2 (2022-03-17)BUGCannot set notification settings if user unknown
2022.1 (2022-01-16)


Update dependencies