Specific timetable (desktop) (MTT 3.5+)

To create a link to one or more timetables, use the URL <MyTimetable root URL>/link with one or more query parameters indicating the timetable. A link can be created by host key value or by internal MyTimetable identifier. This form of linking is available since MyTimetable 3.5 and is the preferred way of creating a link to a timetable.

Timetables are specified using indexed query parameters. The timetable for index 0 can be specified using query parameters starting with 'timetables.0.', the second starts with 'timetables.1.', et cetera. In case only 1 timetable needs to be displayed, a short-hand notation is available in the form of 'timetable.'.

To create a link by host key value, specify the following query parameters, replacing x by the index value:

Parameter name

Parameter meaning

Parameter name

Parameter meaning


The host key of the timetable to display. This value is required.


The type of timetable(s) to display. The available types are customer specific. Please ask our support department for the types applicable to your situation or get a list of type names through the API.


The timetable source to search. This value is optional, if it is not specified all timetable sources will be searched.


The host key of the option to select for this timetable. This value is optional. Can be specified multiple times to select multiple options.

To create a link based on the internal MyTimetable identifier, specify the following query parameters, replacing x by the index value:

Parameter name

Parameter meaning

Parameter name

Parameter meaning


The MyTimetable identifier of the timetable to display. This value is required.


The MyTimetable identifier of the option to select for this timetable. This value is optional. Can be specified multiple times to select multiple options.

For both scenarios, some additional options are available to alter the display of the found timetables. These are:

Parameter name

Parameter meaning

Parameter name

Parameter meaning


true to not show a warning if a specified timetable was not found.


true to not show a warning if there are no activities to display for a specified timetable.


true to require the user to login.


Selects the view to display, one of the following values:

  • day

  • week

  • month

  • list

  • list_location

  • availability


Locale to use, short 2 letter notation (en, nl).


true to enable the export of the list of subscriptions by default.


Date to start the calendar at, format yyyy-MM-dd. By default, the calendar starts at the current date, or the date of the first scheduled activity, whichever is later.


true to show the location view.


Chooses the concurrency highlighting option in the list view: (MyTimetable 3.1+)

  • normal (no highlighting)

  • highlight (highlight concurrency)

  • filter (only show concurrent activities)


true to ignore concurrency within the same course/module (MyTimetable 3.1+).


Host key of the term or named availability to pre-select in the list view (MyTimetable 3.1+).

Prefix with <dataSource name>: to select the term of a specific source.


true to enable the 'show personal timetable' option by default (requireLogin should be true or login should be required by default for this to work).

Some sample links: